
Give Your Patients Relief From Venous Pain With At-Home Device, VEINOPLUS®

VEINOPLUS® works by stimulating the body’s natural circulation process. This clever device uses electro-stimulation to cause the calf muscles in the legs to contract, creating a pump effect that returns blood back to the heart, thereby preventing blood from pooling in the veins. The resulting improved circulation and blood flow can help patients who are experiencing pains or aches, muscle cramps, blood palling and ulcers, and promote muscle recovery and function.
Safe and easy to use, VEINOPLUS® is clinically proven to be effective in treating venous health concerns and can even be used for therapeutic and sports applications, including as a muscle recovery aid. Designed with the patient in mind, the battery-operated VEINOPLUS® can be used for speedy sessions up to 20-minutes long at home,  with no risk of over-use. This provides unparalleled convenience for venous patients, who have long had to resort to in-clinic sclerotherapy injections or invasive surgeries.

VEINOPLUS® is not only convenient, it has the clinical studies to back it up:

•    30 patients with Venous leg ulcers experienced a significant reduction within 90 days of treatment
•    Venous insufficiency (VI) patients experienced a 42% reduction in pain after 3 weeks of one VEINOPLUS® treatment session per day
•    Pregnant women with VI who used VEINOPLUS® experienced an 86% reduction in pain levels
•    94% of patients involved in a trial experienced either partial, or total reduction of ankle edema after 30 days of treatment

The clinical studies also suggested that the more patients use VEINOPLUS®, the more effective it is. Plus, With an 88% user satisfaction rating, there is a high chance that VEINOPLUS® will be the only solution your venous patients need to effectively address their concerns.

To learn more about this device and how it can help your patients, contact us or download our guide.

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