Delivering a range of vein access solutions for medical and dental practices, as well as the operating room, Veinlite (Translite) devices ensure that vein access is made easy and efficient. The Veinlite LEDX Vein Finder illumination and access device is designed with the largest vein imaging area of the Veinlite collection and is purpose-designed for use in sclerotherapy procedures.
How does the Veinlite LEDX work?
The Veinlite LEDX works by being held against patients’ skin to reveal vein structures through side-transillumination. As individual varicose veins are identified, the portable device’s wide C-shaped opening provides traction on the skin for needle insertion and enables direct access for sclerosant injection. To allow for an efficient, streamlined procedure, the device can be used with one hand.
What are the benefits of the Veinlite LEDX?
A hard-to-beat device in the field of sclerotherapy, the Veinlite LEDX’s colour switching features enables clinicians to view and treat both superficial varicose veins as well as deeper varicose vein structures. Featuring a wide opening, a larger viewing area and 32 LEDs, the Veinlite LEDX has a large vein imaging area which allows for fast and efficient treatment sessions. It is also an ideal model for locating veins on bariatric patients and provides the highest contrast imaging available for sclerotherapy treatments.
To further ensure long-term ease of use, the Veinlite LEDX comes with a rechargeable Li-ion battery and charging cable. There’s no need to worry about cross-contamination and cleaning between operations as the Veinlite LEDX kit comes prepped with 50 disposable plastic covers, more of which are available to be bulk-purchased separately. The device also comes with a size adapter and carrying case.
To learn more about this innovative device or to purchase the Veinlite LEDX for vein illumination visist our website or contact us today.